
 Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I've never been to Concord, Massachusetts, but a place that Louisa May Alcott's father insisted on calling Concordia is well worth a visit! (Note to myself: save money for a USA vacation!) Anyone out there ever been to Concord?

American Bloomsbury is my last acquisition and I highly recommend it... the writer presents in a very affectionate and charming way the lives, the loves and the work of heavyweight writers Louisa May Alcott --one of my favourites--, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Margaret Fuller, Nathaniel Hawthorne and Henry David Thoreau in Concord.

"The 1850s were heady times in Concord: in a town where a woman's petticoat drying on an outdoor line was enough to elicit scandal, some of the greatest minds of American history were gathering in three of its wooden houses to establish a major American literary movement. The Trascendentalists, as these thinkers came to be called, challenged the norms of American society with essays, novels, and treaties whose beautifully rendered prose and groundbreaking assertions still resonate with readers today."

If you enjoy literature and the 1850s... this book is a really great choice.


Darling L


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