Wednesday, September 29, 2010
As promised I'm posting my Paris pictures... I enjoyed every corner of that city... Today I'm publishing the Satudarday pics and tomorrow I'll publish the Sunday ones. Hope you'll enjoy them as much as I did enjoy the City of Lights...
I of course had to visit the place where Oscar Wilde, one of my favourite writers, is buried, so we went to visit the Père Lachaise Cemetery, such a special place... However, I did not like at all how people treat his grave, full of pieces of graffiti... oh, come on, it's a sacred grave! Anyways... the place is still beautiful.
Darling L
i am sooooooooo jealous. beyond jealous.
i am trying to persuade the husband to take me there for either my 30th bday or our 5 year anniversary..both a few years (he's not really into culture..he like beer and sports..hahaha..opposites definitely attract.)
it looked like an amazing time. <3
i love Oscar Wilde...i bet it was a beautiful old graveyard.
Oh Paris! I like your outfit, just the thing for sightseeing. Next time I go I really want to visit the Pere Lachaise cemetary. Although i agree, it's a shame people had to do that to Oscar Wilde's grave.
Awwww, i love the photo with you and the cat! The first photo is great too, like that writing! xxxx
I LOVED paris when I went! And I live smack dab in the middle of the states so it was hug for me to go to Paris! I so wanted to see Jim Morrison's grave. my friend went and saw that exact same cat! You are very lucky my dear. ENJOY every minute of it!!
Looks like an amazing time, this has reminded me to post my Paris pictures, we went to Oscar Wilde's grave too! I love your outfit too, you look so nice!
From Carys of La Ville Inconnue
divine photos and your oxfords are super snazzy
Which of Wilde's plays is your favourite? Mine is The Importance of Being Earnest though An Ideal Husband holds a special place in my heart. Have you seen the BBC version on youtube with Jeremy Brett as Lord Goring? He's fantastically dreamy and very Wildean (in more ways than one).
Borrowed some Virginia Woolf from the school library. Starting with A Room of One's Own! :P
Arianne from A + B in the Sea
Wow! Lucky,lucky you! I've always wanted to Paris!:) These Pictures makes me want that even more! Beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing. I've enjoyed viewing them!:)
xx, Alice from bells and whistles.
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